Wednesday, April 27, 2016


This young adult novel is based on a made famous high school  football star, getting the nickname Killer Keir. The books intro begins with the two main characters, Keir and Gigi, having an argument about the night prior and Gigi is accusing Keir of raping her. However, what makes this book different is that the entire book is given in the perspective of the accused. Keir, tries to recollect every event his senior year that could have lead to his "Inexcusable" actions. This book is filled with minors involved in sex, drugs, and alcohol. Not something I would push to be read, however this is what happens now and days, sad but true. I would recommend the book to anyone that is attempting to give a lesson on drug awareness, particularly the date rape drug. This can actually be a great lesson for maybe a Junior/Senior level student, of course making students aware of the sensitive topics that will be discussed.

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