This science fiction novel is based on a boy named Todd who lives on another planet where all the woman have died due to an infection/germ. This germ has also allowed all men to have a certain power to hear each others thoughts. Todd becomes aware of a secret power that he beholds through his dog and is immediately told to leave. In his travels he encounters a young girl, which confuses Todd, because his whole life he was told all women had died. Afraid that he might infect her with the germ and risk killing her he tries to keep his distance from her, however he soon finds that what is, has not been what is real at all. Overall, I felt that the novel was all over the place, being that it follows a young boy that is illiterate. Another result of this is all the grammatical errors throughout the book. Very hard to follow. I would have teachers use this book for lessons on the basics of chapter books and novels for students of the middle school and up age range.
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